Ottoman Medal of Honor and Industry: Symbol of Industry and Success of the Empire

The Ottoman Medal of Honor and Industry is a prestigious decoration given to individuals who have achieved outstanding success in the field of industry and commerce of the Ottoman Empire. This medal reflects the modernization and industrialization efforts of the empire.

History and Importance:
In the second half of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire accelerated its modernization and industrialization efforts and carried out important reforms in the field of industry and trade in this process. The Medal of Honor and Industry is awarded to honor achievements in this field.

Reasons for Giving:
It is given to individuals who demonstrate outstanding success in the field of industry and commerce, undertake innovative projects and contribute to economic development. It is considered a prestigious award among industrialists, traders and entrepreneurs.

The Ottoman Medal of Honor and Industry offers a unique opportunity to collectors and history enthusiasts due to its historical value and rarity. Don't miss the chance to add this important decoration of the Ottoman Empire to your collection in this auction.

Technicial Specifications:

Material: Silver
Diameter: 31.5mm
Weight: 15 grams
Obverse: Ottoman coat of arms and signature surrounded by military symbols
Reverse: Wreath motif from laurel branches, empty center
Ribbon: Red and white silk ribbon